ISO 14001: 2015

ISO 14001: 2015

Blog ISO 14001: 2015 Triangle Fire Systems are proud to have achieved ISO 14001, this accreditation highlights our commitment to consider our environmental impact across all areas of our business.  Having achieved ISO 9001 accreditation in 2016, the next natural step...
Race to Zero Pledge

Race to Zero Pledge

Blog Race to Zero Pledge In our Race to Zero pledge, we recognise how important it is to make a lasting commitment to tackle greenhouse emissions created by our activities. We want to join the wider commitment between businesses and individuals who work to limit the...
Triangle Fire are a Living Wage Employer

Triangle Fire are a Living Wage Employer

Blog Triangle Fire are a Living Wage Employer Triangle Fire are now accredited as a Living Wage Employer. The commitment will see everyone working at Triangle Fire to receive a minimum hourly wage of £10.90 in the UK or £11.95 in London. Both rates are significantly...
The Rimba-Raya Project

The Rimba-Raya Project

Blog The Rimba-Raya Project Triangle Fire have purchased 215 Carbon Credits in the Rimba-Raya Project, located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo (peat swamp project) to make our business carbon neutral for 2022-23.  We are proud to be able to support this...