“The regeneration of Shoreham Harbour.”
This brand-new development consisting of 255 apartments will be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom affordable and shared ownership apartments located along the river bank between Southwick and Shoreham.
We have been contracted by AD Mechanical Services to design, install and supply:
– BS 9251 Residential Fire Sprinklers
– BS 12845 Commercial Fire Sprinklers
We will be installing 1811 sprinkler heads across all apartments and commercial areas. The buildings will range from four to eight stories. Within the apartment buildings will be a gym, a business center, self-storage facilities, a cafe and a riverside walk.
Hyde Group who are developing this project have worked closely with the local community to ensure they incorporate their views. This is an amazing way to transform a brownfield site.
We are delighted to be working alongside AD Mechanical Services once again.
Fire Doors, Servicing and Maintenance
BlogTriangle Fire Systems take pride in our extensive experience with various projects involving the installation, inspection and servicing of fire doors. We are dedicate to keeping tomorrow safe. Once notable projects involved inspecting 140 fire doors according to...
BGF x Havas Media Network – Marketing Summit
BlogOn Tuesday 10th September, Triangles marketing team went to London to attend the BGF strategic marketing summit which was hosted in partnership with Havas Media Network. BGF is a company that addresses the SME funding gap in the UK, they now have a portfolio of...